Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Is Art really Art?

i've seen some interesting things online lately concerning the nature of Art, what is art, what isn't--is photography art? is photoshop a tool for making art? etc...

and i'll say this...the debate has been going for a LONG time.

here is an article from Photography
February 1954.

Click on the link for the article: Is This Photography by Ty Cotta
"The image manipulations of California artist Don Briggs raise an old and interesting question"

An old and interesting question in 1954. The article link opens a PDF with scans from the original magazine, and this cool article about Photographer Don Briggs and his far out crazy art made from photos. A lot of it looks like Photoshop work--but done with chemicals instead of clicking. [i'll stick with clicking]. Give it a read and tell me what you think.

there is also an awesome old camera ad. fringe benefit.



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